Object handling |
Once you have created your application, with windows as children, and you have defined the contents of any windows, you are ready to open them and handle your world.
It is the case to remember that:
The first operation is to set all the notifications that will occurs.
Any attributes of type N of an object can be used to take care of events.
E.g. if you have a menu item AboutMUI that has only to open the MUI about requester, all you have to do is set up a notification on that event via the call
Remember that the more notifications among objects you set up the less you have to care about your work.
Obviously, there are events that must be handled by yourself in the main handle cycle.
If you want an object to just return its name when an attribute of it changes, you must do
call Notify(obj,attr,value,app,"RETURNID")
call Notify("BUTTON","PRESSED",0,"APP","RETURNID")
As you can see, events to be dispatched by yourself are always notified to an application objects.
An application objects accepts the following methods to handle events that may occur on objects:
call Notify("win","CLOSEREQUEST",1,"app","RETURNID","QUIT")
call Notify("cycle","active","everytime","app","return","CYCLE","TRIGGERATTR")
It accept any G attribute as second parameter plus the special string TRIGGERATTR that means the same attribute that triggers the notification.
call Notify("slider",trigger,value,"app","InLine","parse arg name,value;...",attr)
When trigger changes to value, fun, an inline ARexx function macro, is called with arguments:
The function is called in the same process of the running macro and so in it there can be used any RxMUI functions on any object, but it is called as a separate ARexx macro and HASN'T GOT the environment of the running macro (e.g. ala INTEPRET command). It means mainly that the existing variables are not valid in the function (they just don't exist).
call Notify("cycle","active","everytime","app","SET","CYCLEACTIVE")
Classes may define their own methods to return events.
After that, you enter in the main cycle, THAT IS:
ctrl_c=2**12 do forever call NewHandle("APP","H",ctrl_c) if and(h.signals,ctrl_c)~=0 then exit /* user break */ select when h.event="QUIT" then exit /* quit event */ when h.event=... ... end end
When you receive a QUIT you must exit. If you have to complete other operations before exiting, you should get the attribute FORCEQUIT of the application to see if you can loose time.
In h.event there will be the name of the object that triggered the event via RETURNID or the string you set up via RETURN In the case of e.g.
call Notify("cycle","active","everytime","app","return","CYCLE","TRIGGERATTR")
you will have in h.active the active entry of CYCLE.
If you set up a SETVAR notification, nothing is returned, but you can be sure that in the specified var there is the value you need.
RxMUI may receive 3 special events:
Similar to NewHandle() is Handle(). The differences are:
So the default cycle using Handle() is:
ctrl_c=2**12 s=0 do forever call Handle("APP","H",s) do i=0 to h.num-1 if h.i="QUIT" then exit /* quit event */ if h.i==... then ... end s=Wait(or(h.signals,ctrl_c)) if and(s,ctrl_c)~=0 then exit /* user break */ end
Or if you manage any kind of manual drag and drop:
ctrl_c=2**12 s=0 do forever ws=1 call handle("APP","H",s) do i=0 to h.num-1 if h.i="QUIT" then exit /* quit event */ if h.i=="DROPEVENT" then do /* handle drag and drop from h.i.from to h.i.to */ ws=0 end if h.i==... then ... end if ~ws then iterate s=Wait(or(h.signals,ctrl_c)) if and(s,ctrl_c)~=0 then exit /* user break */ end
Handle() should be used only in peculiar situations, when you really have to wait for signals in the macro, e.g. you have to wait for non-blocking sockets events via rxsocket.library/WaitSelect(). In ordinary situations you should always use NewHandle().
So the event you may receive are:
Name in h.i or h.event | Caused by | Note | More fields |
[user-defined] | RETURN | An object notified the application | .ATTRIBUTE |
[name of an object] | RETURNID | An object notified the application | - |
QUIT | RETURNID | The application wants to exit | - |
APPEVENT | AppMessage() | An icon was dropped into an object | .to .name |
DROPEVENT | DandD() | Manual D&D | .from .to |
AREXXCMD | An ARexx msg | An ARexx message came | .cmd |